<aside> 📌 how to plan your week and life


Planning is half way to a successful day. Besides planning ahead, at least every week, you should also review how the week has gone and if there are any things you are proud of or things that should be improved.

Below are some recommendations for planning your day, week, year or projects in general. Again, find something that works for your personality and workflow.

Table of content

Plan your day smarter

What things should you think about when planning your day? August Bradley (Year Zero) has excellent tips on what to consider.


Time of day & energy level

Consider when during the day you work better and what tasks are easier at what time of the day. See also Focus Better

Theme your days

You can theme your days to the extent your work allows that. Here is Marie Poulin again on how to theme your days in Notion.


Plan your goals & projects

As you might have seen from my workflow overview on the start page, my projects live in Notion. By making all projects visible you can easier see how much you have on your plate and decide what you focus on in a certain week or month.

See how you can plan both goals & tasks in Notion.


Plan your week smarter

Matt Ragland discusses how to decide what you want to spend your week on. We are used to planning events, meetings, classes and birthdays; but we don't tend to plan the most important work we have to work on, if it is studying, writing a paper or reading. Matt gives you some tips how you can do it, even if you don't use a Bullet Journal approach. The book Bullet Journal is, however, an excellent read, (see Book Tips on this site).


Plan Your Year

An excellent tool to help you reflect about your year and focus on what is important in the next, is the Year Compass. Available in several different languages it helps you identify what is important and guides you to find focus in the year ahead.


Marie Poulin goes through how she plans her year in Notion. Even if you are not using Notion, this excellent video is filled with good advice!


Also see Daniel Canosa excellent video for going through your wheel of life and seeing which areas could be improved.
