<aside> 🗓️ Updated June 3, 2020 by Christine Storr
Below you find a short description of how to assess electronic exams using Stockholm University's e-exam service at exia.su.se. You need a computer and Internet access and a SUKAT account.
Log in at exia.su.se with your sukat account.
Change language to English if necessary.
Your SUKAT konto is the same that you use on the computers in the teaching halls and to access the library databases.
If you don't see the exam you are supposed to assess, contact the course administrator and ask that she/he adds you with your sukat account to the exam. Mention your sukat account name to the course administrator.
You can choose to assess by question or by student. In both assess by student and assess by question you can set points for individual questions. If you assess by student you can also assign an overall grade for the whole exam.